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Soneium by Sony

Sony has launched the Soneium public testnet, a new blockchain on Ethereum’s Layer-2 Optimism Stack, designed for affordable consumer app development.

Soneium Minato is a public blockchain testnet accessible to all developers and creators interested in building applications. It offers a fast and cost-effective development environment, providing tools compatible with Ethereum, which is widely used for existing Web3 app development.

The launch of Soneium Minato brings several benefits. It enables the formation of early communities around developers and creators, allowing them to gather valuable feedback during this period.

Anyone can access the apps released on Soneium Minato and experience the services provided by each app. By exploring various applications, users can discover their favorites and be among the first to join the communities formed around each service. This early access not only benefits developers but also allows users to shape the future of these applications through their engagement and feedback.

Let’s dive in directly!

Step by Step Guide

Sepolia ETH

– If you already have Sepolia (test) ETH you can skip this step.
– Visit: https://www.alchemy.com/faucets/ethereum-sepolia
– Login / Create account.
– Claim the faucet to receive ETH of Sepolia.

Bridge to Minato Testnet

– Visit: https://bridge.soneium.org/en/testnet
– Connect wallet.
– Bridge Sepolia ETH to Minato Testnet.

Bridge to Sepolia

– Stay of the bridge page.
– Now we are going to withdraw funds from Minato back to Sepolia.
– Repeat this session to create multiple transactions.

Layer3 Quest

– Visit: https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/the-soneium-minato-testnet
– Complete the quests (which we just did)
– Claim rewards.

Main Tasks

– Visit: QUESTS  
– Connect your wallet.
– Navigate to faucet and claim the tokens shown there.
– Now, it is time to use the swap section.
– Purchase some SOE [since it is not in the faucet section]
– Make different swaps (more interactions always better)

Additionally, you can play around with the perp and complete tasks via the “points” section.


– Navigate to the pool section
– Add liquidity to at least 3 pools.

The next phase

– Soneium already stated that the first dapps will go live soon on the testnet.
– For now we have to wait to continue.
-Join the discord channel: https://discord.com/invite/soneium
– Stay informed about updates.

That’s all for now. We hope you find value in this guide.

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2 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5 (2 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.
  1. good feeling about this onw

    • Same here

  2. Should we be doing the bridge everyday?


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