Stroom is a liquid staking derivative protocol for the Bitcoin Lightning Network operating on EVM-based blockchains like Ethereum. Raised: $3.50M from Greenfield Capital and others.
The testnet will continue until the mainnet launch, which is expected to occur later this year. During the testnet, you need to earn points, for which you will receive rewards.
Let’s dive into our guide!
Before we start, there are some essential items you will need:
• A Testnet Bitcoin wallet.
• A MetaMask wallet with the Sepolia testnet enabled.
• A Twitter account.
• A Discord account.
Please note that during the testnet phase you don’t use any real assets, only testnet coins.
Step by Step Guide
You have the option to use any wallet that supports testnet BTC. For demonstration purposes, we’ll use Blockstream Green as our example for setup.
– Install and create Blockstream Green wallet:
– Safe the private key!
– Switch the network to testnet in the “App Settings” tab.
– Create a new wallet, this time choosing Bitcoin testnet.
– To obtain your Testnet Bitcoin wallet address, click the “Receive” button at the bottom of your wallet.
Bitcoin Faucets
– From the discord:
– Visit the Discord
– Go to the #faucet-test channel.
– Type /faucet in the chat.
– Enter your Testnet BTC address.
– Get 10,000 satoshis sent to your wallet.
– EXTRA faucet:
EVM faucet
– Take test $ETH on your EVM wallet:
– Visit the website and connect your EVM wallet: MINT TOKENS
– Copy the generated address.
Getting Involved
– Visit Stroom’s website at
– On the homepage, you will see a button to join the testnet.
– Connect your Metamask wallet at
– Copy the provided BTC address and go to your Signet BTC wallet.
– Deposit a desired amount of BTC and click the “I have paid” button.
– Select the transaction you wish to mint (if you have multiple deposits) by pressing the “Proceed” button.
– Choose stBTC and click the “Mint” button / Choose bstBTC and click the “Mint & Stake” button.
How To Withdraw
– Back to the main page and at the top of your screen, select the REDEEM section.
– Enter the BTC address to which you wish to redeem your staked BTC.
– Specify the amount you want to redeem in stBTC/bstBTC tokens:
(you can choose any amount you desire).
– Click the “SEND” button (you will see the specified amount sent to the provided BTC address).
Quest & Community
– Complete the tasks on Galxe:
– Leave feedback on Discord:
What’s Next?
As the testnet progresses, they will roll out more and more activities for the Stroomers. their goal is to refine and perfect the system for the mainnet launch, ensuring users receive a polished and seamless experience.
If you have any questions about the testnet, be sure to ask the devs on social medias or refer to the official testnet guide at
Stroom Network Update!
Point system.
– Visit Stroom app:
– Connect your wallet to the Stroom app.
– Deposit testnet BTC.
– Mint stBTC or Mint&Stake bstBTC.
– Check your points at
Read the official announcement: Stroom Network Point System
Convert Tokens
The token convert functionality that allows you to convert your stBTC into bstBTC and vice versa without first unstaking the tokens. Here how it works:
– Visit
– Click the “CONVERT” button at the top.
– Enter the desired amount.
– Click the “Convert” button on the exchange widget.
– Approve all transactions in the wallet you connected to Stroom.
That’s all for now. We hope you find value in this guide.
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