Carv Protocol

A modular data layer that facilitates data exchange and value distribution across the gaming and AI sectors.

Carv Protocol

A modular data layer that facilitates data exchange and value distribution across the gaming and AI sectors.
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Welcome to CARV Protocol, where intent-centric, composable self-sovereign identity (SSI) meets an incentivized data-sharing platform. CARV Play, our AI-powered super app, kicks off with social, credentialing, and publishing in gaming. Their mission? Empower users with data self-sovereignty and share value captured from data utility through consent-based, privacy-preserving means.

CARV pioneers two key ecosystems to fulfill this vision: CARV Protocol, the SSI oracle and data-sharing platform, and CARV Play, the AI-driven super app revolutionizing social interactions and credentials within gaming and beyond.

Join now in shaping the future of data empowerment and privacy preservation.

  1. I love carv and also a member. Lots of event can be join and use the app to engage by playing game and event to earn soul

  2. Never heard. Need to test this.

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    You need to be a registered member to rate this.
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