08.06.2024 23.24.36 REC

Airdrops Guide Library Update

A week ago, we received a request from the community for a search and filter feature for our airdrop guides. Your wish is our command! Our team has just released a new update for the airdrop guides. This is the first version featuring only filters; a search bar will be added in the next update due to a bug we are currently working on. The team is prioritizing this fix and plans to have it ready in the upcoming weeks.

Here's what's changed:

  • Previously, we had 4 separate libraries: Potential, Confirmed, Expired, and the Full Airdrop Library.
  • These different libraries have been removed.
  • Now, there is one unified library for all airdrop guides.
  • We’ve introduced the first 4 new meta filters: Type, Network, Blockchain, and Costs.
  • You can filter 1 of each during your search.
  • Each filters show the amount of available guides.

Meta Filters:

  • Type: Choose between confirmed, potential, or expired airdrops.
  • Network: Choose between Mainnet or Testnet.
  • .Blockchain: Select the specific blockchain.
  • Costs: Filter by Free, Funds, Liquidity, Mint, or Gas Only.

Coming Soon:

  • Search Bar for direct guide searcing.
  • More meta filters.
  • Filter system will be applied to other sections such as: Dapps, Quests, Milestones, Members, Groups and more
  • Guide star ratings + filter

Check it out and leave us some feedback at ⁠TokenHunters Community Feedback Forum in our Discord community.

We hope this makes it easier for you to find the airdrops you’re interested in.

Happy hunting!


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