TokenHunters Quests

The TokenHunters Quests module transforms your journey within the TokenHunters platform into a series of exciting adventures. This module introduces quests that reward users with gems upon completion. These quests can vary from daily to weekly and can be found in the Gems Dashboard within the hunter terminal.

Earning Gems in the TokenHunters Quests Module

Within the Hunter Terminal, on the Hunting Gems page, you’ll find the Gems QuestBoard. By completing these quests, you can earn gems as rewards. The QuestBoard features a variety of quests, including daily and weekly tasks. The daily quests include simple social tasks and can be added or removed on a daily basis, encouraging active participation to catch them all. The weekly quests offer more substantial challenges and rewards.

1. Complete available tasks & TH Quests.

2. Receive a gem reward for completing the tasks & Quests.

3. Come back daily to check and participate in new quests.

4. Some quests will become available only once the required quest, level, or badge is unlocked.

As the program progresses, the QuestBoard will evolve, introducing new types of quests such as puzzles and other engaging activities. Stay active and keep an eye on the QuestBoard to make the most of your gem-hunting adventure!

Token Hunters

Legend Of The TokenHunters

Watch the Tokenhunters’ Hunt-to-Earn short movie to learn more about the hunters history, discover hidden clues, find answers, and unravel mysteries.

Invite Your Friends!

Earn 1000 gems for each referral.