TH x WH3 AMA 1

TokenHunters x Web3 Hub AMA Recap

Yesterday, we had an exciting AMA session in the Web3Hub Discord community, and it was a blast! We were thrilled to receive some amazing questions from our community members, and we enjoyed answering every single one of them. Here’s a quick recap of the best questions and answers from the session:

Welcome to our AMA with @TokenHunters 
We’re thrilled to have TokenHunters Representative with us today.
They’ll be answering your questions about their exciting project.

A: TokenHunters
Welcome everyone!!
We are happy to awnser all your questions!
Who wants to start?

Q: Warbabyy
Hello @TokenHunters
Good to see you!

A: TokenHunters
Hey buddy likewise

Q: Warbabyy
We should start with the questions already on ground right?

A: TokenHunters
Let’s do it!

Can you introduce yourself and tell us your role at TokenHunters?

A: TokenHunters
Sure!! My name maik, one of the founders of Tokenhunters. im mostly taking care of the community, documents, contacts, and support our team with little tasks on the platform itself. We have a small team of 4 persons, but we are currently already talking with new people to join the core team

Great nice to have you here with us today Maik

A: TokenHunters
Thanks buddy, happy to be here with one of our very first members and group owners 😉

A: Davesford
Nice to have you you here maik

What inspired the creation of Token hunters

A: TokenHunters
The lack of a community driven platform in which everybody has access to recourses, connections information and enything related to web3. Most platforms focus on influencers, while our focus is mainly to build a brotherhood in which everybody is equal and benefits from each others knowledge. So that’s exactly our goal. we started building the platform, and once the TokenHunters DAO goes live. each and every member will have the oppertunity to contribute and build the platforms future\

I can’t agree less amazing initiative

A: TokenHunters
We saw many other projects trying this, but again, they mostly focus on the big influencers, the same persons who always have the highest airdrop allocations. Eventually we want to create a brotherhood community without these influencers, everybody will be one! 10,000 voices, 1 direction

just perfect
I think you have answered this slightly but maybe you can through more light on it
What is TokenHunters and What Problems does it solve?

A: TokenHunter
Tokenhunters is aiming to create the worlds biggest and influencial brotherhood(community) in the form of a DAO. In which we all benefit from each other knowledge and skills. The problems we want to solve are many, but the most important one is, that web3 and blockchain technology is the future, but for 80% of the people it’s just to difficult to get started, because it evolves every day and there is just so much information. We want to make the gab smaller, a place where everybody can find what he is looking for. Currently tokenhunters is in beta, and only 10% from the features we are planning to release are available. Once the DAO is live, you will see how much users can to and build, just like the own guide creation at the moment. It’s just so much, that i can’t even explain it in a text message, because we would sit here untill next weekend!

Can’t wait to experience the whole thing myself haha

A: TokenHunters
Believe me, even i cannot wait 😉

A: Davesford

A: empyreanbeing

A: TokenHunters
Stay with us, and you will see that it’s not only words 😄

Very understandable😅
brief answers will always do lets go…
Does TokenHunters have Token, if so whats its utility?

A: TokenHunters
At this moment we do not have a token YET!
As most of the TokenHunters members already know, our airdrop program just went live. in which participants can earn gems, and at the end of the program these gems will be converted to our governance token. That’s exactly what the first of many utilities from the token is. Governance right, holders of our token can vote for example how the future direction of the platform will be, where the DAO treasure funds will be used for, which features will need to be added and so on. Besides the voting rights, the governance token will have a staking mechanism. The token will also be used for future purchases in the community marketplaces (not released yet) Also the advertisers will need to buy the tokens to promote on the platform. The token will also be accepted as payment in the TokenHunters shop (also not released yet) and maybe the biggest utility will be, that the token will be used in our TCG that will be released in Q1-Q2 2025.

Fantastic and this leads to my next question
What is the Hunt-To-Earn program (i know its alot haha just briefly share with us)

A: Davesford
Amazing vision

A: TokenHunters
Ufff buddy you have a few hours?

There is alot more trust me ahaha

A: TokenHunters
The tokenhunters hunt-to-earn airdrop is a unique program that offers an exciting and engaging way to explore the TokenHunters platform, dive into the world of crypto, gain knowledge and experience the exhilarating life of a WEB3 hunter. During the gem hunting season, you will earn hunting gems by participating in activities in eight different modules. Each action you take will unlock precious hunting gems, paving your way toward securing a share of the rewards that awaits. Each module is different and will let you explore many things, such as different chains, quests, social engagement, nfts, and much much more. The goal with our program is to help people navigate the world of web3, and while exploring, earning rewards, in a fair distribution of our governance tokens, we’ve reserved a massive 60% of the total supply for our dedicated community members, and only those who participate actively will have the governance rights in the TokenHunters IP. It’s so much, that we recommend to read our Huntbook or the airdrop page itself: And besides you get to explore the most facets of web3, the program offers a fun and adventurous storyline filled with hidden clues and mysteries that needs to be unlocked by the participants 😉

A: TokenHunters
Now we are here, i want to throw in a clue

Woo that’s a whole lot allocated for the community.
And i also enjoy the fact that the aim is not just hunting rewards but being educated

Go on hahah
those present will see the value

A: TokenHunters
Once this AMA is finished, visit TokenHunters hunt to earn page, watch the legend of tokenhunters short movie, and keep your eyes open 😉

I have a quest on the H2E program will all the modules end at same time or one ends then the other begins?
Also how long will the H2E program last?

A: TokenHunters
All modules will finish at the end of the program, but not all modules are active at the same moment. for example, now only module 1,2,3,4 & 6 are live.

A: TokenHunters
There is no exact date of time i can give you. the reason is legal contracts. The program will run untill the TGE and seed round of the token. We have contracts with some VC’s i can’t expose at this moment because it’s just to early. But these VC’s have some requirements that need to be reached before they invest in TokenHunters. Which will benefit the whole community and especially the once’s participating in the Airdrop
It will be this year, that’s what i can say 😄

That’s enough haha thanks for that
moving on to our next question
What Milestones has Tokenhunters achieved and what features can we expect in the future?

A: TokenHunters
There is so much you are going to see from us, for example, in the background our team is already working a few months on the TokenHunters TCG (Trading Card Game) Which will be an amazing game in which our currency will be involved to. The TCG will be fun, addictive, competative, but also it will learn new web3 users many things about the world of crypto. To name a few platform features that will be coming: The advanced messenger will be upgraded and people will be able to create channels (just like discord) have phone calls, Video calls and meetings with there communitys. There will be a community marketplace in which people can sell there skills, NFTs or what ever they like, directly in there own social profile on tokenhunters. This is just the beginning we have so much already being build in the back ground, i will add our version 1 roadmap (which is not complete) but this will give you some guideline ideas

Slowly but surely💪
Ohh That’s amazing a game!!
would love as i am a gamer myself
ok moving on…

A: TokenHunters
I saw the artworks. it’s really next level.

Considering the project highly concerned or focused on community,
How can the community get involved with tokenHunters and what are plans to increase the community

A: TokenHunters
The community can get involved by for example participating in the airdrop to earn governance right’s which in fact, will grant them shares in the tokenhunters future IP brand. Besides the airdrop there are many possibillities on the platform to connect, grow your knowledge, create a network, communities, guides and much more (besides all things we’re still need to release) The plan’s to increase are simple and steady, we grow organically. The problem with 95% of the project this time, they create a fast hype, pump thousands of dollars in marketing just within the first weeks after launching, creating a fake hype in which community members are robbed. They invest in there project, and once the hype is over, it’s done…. We do things different. we start with organic growth, before we are going to do the heavy marketing. We have many partnerships coming up, and a lot of intrested DAO’s who want to involve their communities. Watch and see 😉

A: empyreanbeing
Impressive 🔥

I can testify to that the growth has been steady and real that’s really unique
Wow a whole lot cooking
leading to my next…

A: TokenHunters
Thanks, we are 100% sure that’s the way to go. And the only reason other projects are not doing this is because they want earn money as fast as possible, instead of focussing on how to improve and create something that lasts. For example almost every project you see has 50k/100k or even 200,000 members. Look at the chat’s in these discord. This are bots or paid people who run many accounts. just to trick new members into buying. Once they sold out or release a token. within a year they stop or nothing news happens.

A: empyreanbeing
This is absolutely true and that’s why they end up rugging and crashing

A: TokenHunters
It’s sad, but reality in almost all projects

How does Tokenhunters differentiate or have an edge over its competitors and does tokenhunters plan on integrating WEB3 technologies like DID’s?

A: TokenHunters
I think we just awnsered that somehow 😄

Yep hahah organic growth 💯

A: TokenHunters
To awnser the second, yes will will integrate web3, for example, soon the token gating will be activated, the inventory in which members can see there NFTs. Staking mechanims, Burn-to-claim terminal in which you burn an NFT to get rewards, or a new NFT. Our future game, the marketplace etc etc

A: TokenHunters
And besides the growth, the oppertunity for members to create and build

Ohh wow that’s a whole lot coming to my last question.

A: TokenHunters
Happy to create clearity!

Can you share some insights into the team behind tokenHunters

A: TokenHunters
Sure, first of all we will be doxing ourselves in the near future in a special event, so stay tuned for that! Besides that, i consider myself as advanced web3 user, im in the space since 2016 and saw a few runs 😄 I learned the most niche’s from farming to deploying my own contracts with solidity. The team behind me already building Apps and websites for a very long time. They just entered web3, but working on development in web2 for almost 15 years. Everybody on the team has his own skills and brings value to the table Share with your followers!

Ohh wow i see you’re an OG in this space a pleasure to have you here
BTW @TokenHunters one of our team memebers @Davesford has a few questions for you hope you don’t mind.
@Davesford you have the floor

A: TokenHunters
Sure! come in 😄
By the way, those who are participating and reading. visit the tokenhunters discord, and open a support ticket. We have something for all of you 😉

A: Davesford
Thank you..

Q: Davesford
Got about 2 questions for you..
But the first is Too MANY projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/ long time of release, Is your project also like this?  If not can u tell US, What makes your project different FROM other projects?

A: TokenHunters
Good questions Dave, thanks. That’s exactly what i meaned earlier with these projects who fake everything. We are not like that otherwise we would also done the heavy marketing right now. For me as pro airdrop farmer, the biggest red flag for web3 projects is heavy marketing without organic growth and constantly improvement. As our members already know, we have something new every few days.

A: TokenHunters
Besides, i think that if you are a user of our platform and community member, you see that we are really building for our community. Creating a platform for everybody, not just investors

A: TokenHunters
I like this questions, the first hunt radar is for you 😉
Open a ticket after the AMA in our discord 😄

Thank you for emphasizing on that bud

A: TokenHunters
What is your second question?

Q: Davesford
Okay, that’s great
It seems, you have alot of things in stock for the community..
But i think everything is still at its initial stage..
I see you have a roadmap already.. Do a you have Whitepaper yet?

A: TokenHunters
We have a whitepaper in the form of gitbook, which we call our huntbook
The TokenHunters Gitbook is an evolving wp document maintained on a regular basis. Some information will be updated throughout projects development.

A: empyreanbeing
That’s nice

A: Davesford
That’s great

Thank you very much @TokenHunters for joining us today and sharing such valuable insights!
And a big thank you to our  WEB3 HUB team and the community for your fantastic questions and participation. Stay tuned for more exciting events!
Don’t forget to check out TokenHunters website and discord for more information. By the way I am Sergeo your host for Today see you all next time

A: TokenHunters
Thank you sergeo for hosting this AMA, we are always available to awnser everybody his questions, one of our teams guidelines is TokenHunters will be transparant in all times! This contributes to that guideline, so thank you for this AMA! And a special thanks to everybody who joined, as i said earlier, open a ticket in our discord we have a gift for everybody who joined. And don’t forget what i told you about the clue, Check the short movie, and keep your ears and eyes open!

Also The ⁠ama-questions is still open for questions all questions will be answered believe me thank you all once again

A: TokenHunters
Thanks again everyone, we hope to see you during the tokenhunters developments and of course the next AMA 😉

A: empyreanbeing
It’s nice to have you on here @TokenHunters and I must say i like the vision of the project and the value you’re offering .You will definitely be hearing from us soon much love from Web3 community  

A: TokenHunters
Thanks buddy!! Appreciated!
Have a great day everybody!! Don’t forget to collect your gems!!!


That’s a wrap!
We hope to see you all during the next AMA. Stay tuned in our discord for more information.


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