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Cryptopia is a free-to-play-and-earn game built on our unique multisig wallet and p2p network embedded in the game engine. It is a virtual world where players can build, trade, and explore in a decentralized environment and sustainable economy. It has elements of so-called 4X games, Tycoon games, and RPGs.

Cryptopia has launched a mission board to earn points, for the confirmed airdrop!

Let’s begin

Step by Step Guide


– Visit: ENTER
– Fill in email and continue.
– Go to your email and click the button.
– Create a password and continue.

Which side do you choose?

– Go to the login screen and fill in your details.
– Choose one of the three options.
– Next, choose path.

Become eligible

– On the next page you will have to complete tasks.
– In total there are 5 simple tasks.
– Complete them all and register for the airdrop.
– Connect and join discord.
– Connect and follow on X.
– Connect your wallet.
– Enter invite code: 98FC11


– Here you will find missions to complete.
– Complete all the available missions to earn points.
– Make sure to check regularly for new missions.


– Scroll down and find your link.
– Copy your code and share in tokenhunters discord channel, on the tokenhunters social hub and other social media.

That’s all for now. We hope you find value in this guide.

Share this with your friends on X or Tokenhunters Social and become eligible together!
For more TokenHunters airdrop guides visit one of our airdrop libraries!

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      Please note that these are only notifications. We can’t reply. If you have any question you would like to receive an answer please send us an email to mail@tokenhunters.xyx