Enki Season 2 Airdrop Guide
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Enki Season 2

Enki Protocol is a secure, simplified, and LSD-focused liquidity provision platform on Metis (just listed on Binance). ENKI Protocol is backed by Metis and currently running its last testnet. 10% of the token supply is allocated for testnet airdrop.

Let’s start direct!

Step by Step Guide

The Faucet

Open https://testnet.enkixyz.com/home
– Connect your wallet and approve & switch to the Metis Sepolia chain (automatic)
– Click on “Faucet” and head to TeleGram.
– Press “Start”, type “/start your-ethereum-wallet-address” (without quotes) and send the message.

Mint & Stake

Go to https://testnet.enkixyz.com/mint&stake/mint
– Scroll down to the Mint eMetis section, enter an amount and click “Mint & Stake”;
– Tick both checkboxes, press “Approve”, then “Mint & Stake”, confirm both transactions in your wallet.

You can repeat this step multiple times to have more on-chain transactions!


Head to https://testnet.enkixyz.com/mint&stake/stake
– Go to the Withdraw tab, enter an amount and press “Withdraw”;
– Tick both checkboxes, click “Approve” and “Withdraw”, confirm both transactions in your wallet.

You can repeat this step multiple times to have more on-chain transactions!


On the https://testnet.enkixyz.com/mint&stake/stake
– Head back to the Stake tab, enter an amount and press “Stake”;
– Tick both checkboxes, click “Approve” and “Stake”, confirm both transactions in your wallet.


On the https://testnet.enkixyz.com/mint&stake/stake
– Scroll down to the Vest section, choose “Stake ENKI”, enter an amount and press “Stake”;
– Click “Approve” and “Stake”, confirm both transactions in your wallet.

You can occasionally visit this page and claim the rewards by clicking on “Claim eMetis”.

That’s it for now, we hope you find value in this guide.

Make sure to follow us on twitter and hit that notification button!

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1 Comment
  1. nice airdrop

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