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Saltwater Games

Saltwater Games is at the forefront of redefining gaming experiences, propelled by the convergence of immersive technologies. They’re not just creating games – they are pioneering the next generation of immersive content and experiences.

The XR Quest platform is your first opportunity to capture your share of the limited supply Airdrop of the $XR token. Verify your eligibility, connect your socials, contribute via community quests, and experience XR One games. Earn tXR for your loyal and early contribution and access our airdrop/claims portal immediately after the Token Generation Event.

The Saltwater Games quests are live and we can earn TXR that will be converted to $XR tokens! Follow our step-by-step guide and let’s become eligible together for this confirmed airdrop!

Step by Step Guide


– Visit: SaltWater Games
– Sign-up with you email.
– Open your mailbox and click the continue button.


– Once clicked on the button in your email, you will enter the main page.
– Scroll down until you find the quests.
– Connect your X account.
– Complete all available quests.
– They add new quests on a daily basis.
– Make sure you come back everyday.


– Stay the same page as the quests.
– Almost on the top you will find you referral link.
– Share your referral URL to earn 150 tXR.
– Copy the link and share it in the TokenHunters Discord, Social hub and other social media channels.


– Make sure you join the discord to get updates
– Join here: https://discord.com/invite/W4BdM6N8xb

That’s all for now. We hope you find value in this guide.

Share this with your friends on X or Tokenhunters Social and become eligible together!
For more TokenHunters airdrop guides visit one of our airdrop libraries!

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You need to be a registered member to rate this.
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      Please note that these are only notifications. We can’t reply. If you have any question you would like to receive an answer please send us an email to mail@tokenhunters.xyx